
Seeking Your Opinions and Advice


I've started a new blog, Educating for Wholeness. My intention is to use this blog as a way for me to keep track of the various activites, thoughts, stories, classes, groups, articles, etc. that I use in my work as a school counselor. I'm hoping the labels might help me organize... we'll see. I also want to make the materials available for other interested people outside of my school community.

Right now I'm struggling with the word lessons. The tag lesson plans gets used alot. Looking at dictionary.com, lessons:
  1. To teach a lesson to; instruct.
  2. To rebuke or reprimand.
I'm okay with the definition 1 but 2 gives me the creeps. What feeling do you get from the word lesson? Do you have another suggestion? And how about Educating for Wholeness... any thoughts on what that title brings up for you that you'd like to share?

Perspectives appreciated,
posted by ashley

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