
New Beginnings: Looking Ahead with Fresh Hope

Droplets On Cucumber Runner
Originally uploaded by mommamia
The pendant is a Maori design called Koru

"The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new positive beginnings...

The koru, represents the unfolding of new life, that everything is reborn and continues. It represents renewal and hope for the future."

Welcoming Rosh Hashanah, I go to a place that is sacred to me... nature. I perch upon a drifted tree that rests along the Puget Sound shore.

Listening to the waves
Studying their ways
Following reverent lines of life

And reading from my prayer book,
With the setting of this evening sun, united with people of every place and time, we proclaim a new year of hope. Divineness of the universe, let Your light and Your truth come forth to lead us. These flames we kindle are a symbol of Your eternal flame: may they open our eyes to the good we must do, moving us to work for harmony and peace, and so making the world bright with Your presence.

...May we turn from our old errors and failures, and look ahead with fresh hope and determination...and give thanks for the goodness we have experienced during this past year...May the new year bring renewed strength and peace to the world.
posted by ashley

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