
To Just Be

Inspiring invitation from an anonymous friend

The thought just came to me - to share with you...

The reason I exposed myself
so nakedly
infront of everyone..
was because I feel that
we all
ought to be a lot more naked -
in what and who we really are..
where we really are..
How we feel
What troubles us
What pleases us..
Where we feel our pain
and insecurity
our blocks
our fears

and especially our "weaknesses"

because when we all can do that
then we can be real..
and we can also let go of a lot
of expectatons
about what we think
we ought to be
based upon what we think
others are....

And when others
can see how vulnerable
and how "week" we really are...
and let ourselves
be seen to be..

Then perhaps
They will see that maybe
their managed illusions..
or rather gaurded
truths of themselves might
be relaxed..

And if we could all just relax
and be truthfull
and transparent...

and see that we are just human
I think it would go
along way..
towards ..


and spirits...

I like the truth...
I want to see what is real.
I want to just be..

and you can't do that..
if you are holding...
something back.

can you?
posted by ashley

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