
A Synchronicity

A beautiful sunny spring day in Seattle. The wind blows a page of my notebook open. The words arrest my attention, perfectly complementing and communicating an essence in this moment. I get excited realizing this wants to be shared at easily amazed. Walking inside to retrieve the referenced book, my heart melts as I recognize the photo which will accompany the words... the photo that Christy sent my way last week which originally appeared in the journal at SuperheroDesigns, a new site I'm in love with! I remembered Christy telling me about that site a long time ago, but somehow it fell off my radar.

Gathering my computer and thinking about this webl post, I remembered an old conversation between Andy and Christy about notebooks that took place in the comments of somebody's blog. A google search of Andy Christy haloscan notebook got me directly to the comments I was looking for. And wouldn't you know it, it was that comment box in which Christy had told me about superherodesigns. Life sure is fun!
posted by ashley

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