
Difficult Realities Inspiring Active Hope

This photograph was taken in 1993. A starving Sudanese toddler struggling to reach a feeding center with a well-fed vulture perched behind her.

Kevin Carter is the photographer who preserved this moment that we are now experiencing. He was awarded the Pulitzer prize for the photograph and three months later he committed suicide.

How does this image effect you?
What happens to your body, to your emotions, to your sense of being a human when you sit with this reality?

The world is filled with pain and suffering. We know this to be true. We each experience this in different ways.

My prayer: May we keep our eyes open, acknowledging what is and holding space for health, nourishment, well-being, love and connectedness. We each individually have the power to show up authentically, boldly offering our unique contributions to the world. The universe needs what we have to offer. May we connect with each other around love, respect and trust because that is, from my perspective, the essence that will support us as the tapestries of our illusions dissolve.
posted by ashley

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