
I and Thou

A Gestalt Poem:
If I just do my thing and you do yours,
We stand in danger of losing each other
And ourselves.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations;
But I am in this world to confirm you
As a unique human being,
And to be confirmed by you.

We are fully ourselves only in relation to each other;
The 'I' detached from a 'Thou' disintegrates.

I do not find you by chance; I find you by an active life
Of reaching out.

Rather than letting things passively happen to me,
I can act intentionally to make them happen.

I must begin with myself, true;
But I must not end with myself;
The truth begins with two."

(Tubbs W. 1972. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, (12) 5 Beyond Perls)
This Gestalt poem was shared on the Open Space list.

At the Integral Education Forum, Mike (kang) and I have been dialoguing about "the active life of reaching out." I asked Mike, What do you find as the most effective way to get straight to someone's heart. . . and then invite change? Just some little questions!! To which he beautifully responded:
Getting into another's heart is like walking slowly and gently on a foggy misty day.... it is a kinda slow dance in an attempt to truely understand another... we really only begin to understand ourselves in relation to others...

When I think of heart I think of soul... it is the realm of our most heartfelt purposes.... our calling is found here....as Fredrick Buecher says: "Our calling is where our deepest gladness and the world's hunger meet."
Christy blogs about "That which connects." She shares a moment in a conversation between Ken Wilber and Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi
At one point Wilber says: "Buber talked about the I-Thou relationship--and the Big Mystery is that hyphen."
How do you experience that hyphen? How do you connect with another's heart? How do you connect with your own heart?
posted by ashley

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