
'not afraid to tell'

driving home one afternoon after picking up my daughter zoe, she said to me "mama, promise not to tell anyone or say anything as i have something to tell you, and promise not to smile or say, oh thats cute zoe or say anything or laugh if i tell you" i assured her that i would not say or do anything. she said "why does cole (her friend at school) want me to be his girlfreind" (it was hard for me not to smile as it just sounded sooo cute) i didnt say anything, and after a moment she told me i could comment on her question. "well zoe, its because you have a very caring and kind heart with a wonderful smile and big brown eyes, and that you are a beautiful little girl inside and out" there was a moment of silence and she said "i know why mama" i said "why zoe" and she said" because i wear nice t-shirts, and because Jesus made me me" i said "oh zoe thats wonderful that you know that Jesus made you and i am very very proud of you that you know that" i couldnt help thinking about what she said, it just melted my heart, and i realised that at the tender age of five, zoe knew more than most adults ,and was proud to tell!
posted by Anonymous

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