
Life is Magical

I so adore and appreciate the circle of 'friends' and 'family' that has formed around this easily amazed playground. It warms my heart unendingly to feel each of us touched by one another in the many ways that we have of reaching out and sharing our innner selves. Here's a message from Becky:
we returned from spain and morocco sunday night, and part of my getting caught up within my life was checking out your blog. i was warmed and touched, as usual, by the stories and thoughts you and others shared on the blog. i was particularly drawn to the candle story and site. i went there to light a candle. as i'm sure you've already done it, you know it asks you to reflect on your reason for lighting one. well, although i have plenty of people in my prayers, i just wanted to write one saying thank you God, i am grateful for my life, as i truly am and feel so blessed for so many reasons. regardless, i wrote my little note and pressed continue. it gave me a little chill to see that the site was gratefulness.org! i had no idea that was the name of the site, and to think that being grateful just came to my mind as my reason made me feel, again, like i was right where i was supposed to be at that moment. you may think my story silly, but for me it showed the serendipity of life in all its little coincidences (is there such a thing?) and moments of awareness.

...life is indeed magical, if we only pay attention. don't you think?
I definitely think.
posted by ashley

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