
easily amazed?

i could use some help. as you may have noticed, easily amazed as we know it here has been out surfing the web, looking for parents. in this search, www.easilyamazed.com was born. but what that website will be has yet to be determined. this is where i would love your help. in this moment, i'm simply playing with the words easily and amazed. chris corrigan first introduced me to the weblog world by saying:
"easily amazed", which should describe her readers as much as herself...
that's you (and me) that he's talking about. so since you're here, why not help me out! i'd love to hear some personal definitions of the term "easily amazed." remember there's no right answer... just different perspectives. i'll start.

easily - without effort; spontaneously.
amazed - sparked by wonder and awe

easily amazed - spontaneously seized by wonder, sparked full with awe. effortlessly liberated.

posted by ashley

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