
angel kisses

one friend and mentor close to my heart taught me about angel kisses. for me, an angel kiss usually lands ever-so-gently upon my forehead, just between my eye brows. it's a tingly feeling of peace, ease, love, joy, bliss and it sprinkles throughout my being. i feel the spirit of the kiss glide through my body, loving and caressing every part of me, creating more space inside of me, making more room inside body. i feel freer, lighter, like i must be glowing a little bit, like surely others around me can see this kiss sliding through me and healing me. angel kisses are definitely among my favorite types of medicine.

one of the delightful things about an angel kiss is that sometimes we give them without knowing. a few kind words shared with another can unintentionally or intentionally be graced with perfect timing. oh... there are so many ways to share an angel kiss with another... can you think of times in which you've received an angel kiss? can you think of ways that you share angel kisses?

another little disclosure about myself. sometimes people i know dance and play with one another in the parties inside of my head! another friend and mentor close to my heart sent me these words in an email which immediately made me think about angel kisses. i love the life that flourishes through the mixing of these two inspiring people... the gifts and inspiration that are shared with the world.
with regards to your request about what to watch at the Olympics...watch the obscure events, the ones you've never heard of. Then when you see someone do well, Google them with "email" in the search term and send them a note saying how much you enjoyed watching them live their dream of performing trampoline, or synchronized diving or handball in front of the world.
posted by ashley

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