
create the place

this story from integral naked really inspired in me the passion to "create the life you want." what's stopping us from having the ideal job? merging our loves and passions with our careers? let's join together in creating social change that is inspired by consciously and actively sharing the gifts we each have to offer.
So the solution is not to look for a place like that to work, but rather to create that place in our own interactions at work. Yes, it is true that the administration/higher management may not be enlightened, but if we can create that in our own space, then we contribute to the whole. Perhaps it means that you may be fired, but you have to let that go too. If that fear is inhibiting your evolution, it is time to move on. At least that is what I have told myself. A great release for me was when I decided that I wasn't going to compete for the pittance in raises the University gives for "merit." Once I realized that if I didn't care, then they have no power over me. So now I am a better scholar and teacher (in the truer since of the words) than I was when I was trying to publish 3-4 "scientific" articles every year. I quit hussling for the grants, (they really are like prostitution with the pimp being the one making the profit) and I do the research I want to do. Students who want to learn with me appear. I tell them the limitations of the way I do things and allow them to make their choice. I find myself being able to evolve. Now colleagues are beginning to slowly listen and make similar choices. The community of those I work with is beginning to change. It is slow. I notice Tami has been working at this since 1985. But this has convinced me that we do create the world we want to live in. Fortunately in my role I get to work with teachers to help them do the same with their classrooms. And I see individuals making changes. It gives me faith in the model.
a perfect example of what penny and a friend were noticing:
we were noticing the wonderful things that happen when we are able to emerge out of ego and bring clear heads and clear hearts to our work.


Little by little. Giving one another a glimmer of hope, and setting a slightly better than expected example, and assuming a little more risk.
phil | Email | Homepage | 06.28.04 - 9:28 pm | #


hi phil,

thanks for bringing "risk" into this conversation. it seems that setting a slightly better than expected example and therefor sharing a glimmer of hope, inherently requires stepping beyond the comfort zone and into that place of "a little more risk."

oh how worth it it is, no?
ashley | Email | Homepage | 06.29.04 - 10:50 am | #

posted by ashley

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