

dave was saying that:
One of the newest, hottest, but still unproven theories in physics right now is string theory. String theory states that EVERYTHING, matter, energy, everything, is made up of vibrating strings of energy. The frequency of the vibration determines what it is that a given string makes. Basically, everything is made of vibration, everything is made of sound.
i love that this is a new and hot theory. especially when i think about vibrations and sounds in this regard:
There is nothing in this world which does not speak. Every thing and every being is continually calling out its nature, its character, its secret; the more the inner sense is open, the more capable it becomes of hearing the voice of all things.
--Hazrat Inayat Khan

so, could i surmise that it is a hot (not so new) trend to continually call out our true nature, our character, our secret? it's the trendy thing to do... open to one's inner sense and hear the voice of all things.
posted by ashley

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