
coming alive

i found this at gassho today... gassho is an incredibly inspiring site, well worth wandering into. jack shares "gassho (gah-'show) is a zen affirmation of life from an intention of humility, gratitude, and mindfulness." that's right up our alley!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs - ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

--Howard Thurman, Philosopher and Theologian


i was recalling Willis Harman's three-part answer to the question "what can we do?" -- in my skittish memory banks it goes something like this:

personal level: 1. try something you're passionate about

community level: 2. pay attention to the feedback

planet level: 3. do more inner work to discern a better answer to 1 (because you are the planet healing itself)
jeff aitken | Email | Homepage | 04.30.04 - 11:53 am | #


does anyone have suggestions on how to help people tune into what they are passionate about. i find it hard for many to uncover this truth within themselves... and thus they give up before they even get to step 1.
ashley | Email | Homepage | 05.01.04 - 1:22 pm | #


I find meditation to be one answer...

posted by ashley

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