
more truth stuff!

i wrote:
"right now there seems to be a huge current about speaking and living in truth. it's amazing to me how alive it is. for me personally, it's a spiritual truth... personal "identity" and divine connection sort of thing (nothing big!!). i see that ALIVE pulse around me in many forms. vocationally, politically, civicly, etc. do you notice this in your neck of the woods?"

to which Christy Lee-Engel replied:
"A phrase that has been keeping me company and guiding many of my choices in the past few months is one I learned from my friends at LIOS: "conversations of love and truth"--

and intersecting with that lately is the frequent realization that the truth is *always* bigger than I know (maybe bigger than I can know!). Recently, I have been in situation after situation where I create an interpretation of a situation, or I hear someone's version of a story, and I believe it, till I hear someone else's completely contradictory version of the same situation...so I have been imagining "what if I didn't believe all of my thoughts?", a practice I gleaned from an astrologer friend I think you might enjoy (Eric Francis, at http://www.planetwaves.net), and have been learning to be more comfortable dwelling in uncertainty!"

posted by ashley

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