
small pleasures

i am a big fan of the outdoor shower. there is something about bathing, washing away the layers of a day (couple of days, week, etc!!) in the fresh air of the outdoors. i like some sort of enclosing that allows the hot steam to stay close to me while also enough of an opening to keep the outdoors inside my shower! i must also admit to you one of my biggest addictions: i LOVE hot showers. i'll skip a shower sometimes just so that i'll feel justified in taking a longer one the next day (that's is a partial truth!).
are you getting the picture...me in heaven while enjoying a steamy hot shower with a cool forest breeze enticing the air.

i've never lived some place where i had access to this paradise i've described. but i've found the next best solution. a small window in the shower. i am fortunate to have such a treasure in my current home. this morning i was enchanted by the union at the window of the hot steam from the shower and the cold january air. they tugged and pulled at one another, the steamy cloud blowing out into the morning day. as i dreamily peered out the window, the hot water rushed down my back while the cold crisp air dried my face. for a moment i drifted with the steam...hanging in that union of cold and hot, the binding space where extremities meet.

anyone else got a small pleasure to share?
posted by ashley

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